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Basic Yoga tools

Two components that form the basis of Yoga: Meditation and Pranayama.

1. Meditation is not just sitting (as it is usually done). During meditation, you pump up QI — internal energy in YIN and YANG states. That is, there are two opposite types of Meditation: YANG (openness) and YIN (closure).

What does it mean to pump up QI? Qi Gong is work with energy. This is the very CHI, or QI in its movement throughout the body. NOTE: first, it needs to get to your Consciousness. Then you will be able to pump it up and control it. We will teach you how to do it. It's simple enough. By the way, Poses (Asanas) of Hatha Yoga help obtain various QI configuration within the body of beginners who already possess controlled QI. Sadly, in the West, Hatha Yoga is used just as a physical training in hopes to get something. Alas!

2. Pranayama is also pumping up of two types of QI: YIN and YANG, but in this case, it happens in each inhale-exhale cycle. When you inhale, QI follows YANG meridians, when you exhale, it goes along YIN meridians.

Thus, QI is the first Yoga tool. The second tool is a heartbeat within the body. It is necessary to master the technique of reaching a pulse inside and controlling it. Therefore, with the help of QI and the Pulse, the interior of the body unfolds — the Second Space. For a Yogi it is as huge as the Outside World. A Second Consciousness develops. A person proceeds to a different kind of existence, to other laws in the Outside World, superpowers included.

Basic Yoga tools

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