Раджа Йога
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Plans of further work on Our Yoga

Some food for thought. What is the essence of "lifeless" Mind structures? They are bipolar: right-wrong, positive-negative, plus-minus, etc. This is duality of Consciousness. In Buddhist temples, people quit such mind structures. Plus-minus — it is just the thing modern science uses. It is limited by the laws of inanimate nature. Everything created with Mind (Science) is lifeless. And every living matter is destroyed by Mind in its path.

Where do people go from such duality in temples? To the unity. Their main spell is "non-duality." And that’s it! All their teachings and structures are based on Unity: there is no bad or good, there is no superior or inferior. And that's all. But you have to understand that this is not just showing off, no! This is a different kind of Mind! And it yields fantastic results.

What shall we do with this in our Yoga?

The first and second parts (mastering controllable Qi and the pulse inside and outside) will be followed by:

1. Step One: bring the energy state of the body and Consciousness in Unity with the help of Pranayama of Paja Yoga. The body and Consciousness go together.

2. Step Two: Divide the Unity into groups of Meridians with polarization with 2, 3, 6 energy flows within the body by means of Pranayamas.

3. And, finally, Step Three. In classic Pranayama of Raja Yoga in case of lateral polarization of two halves of the body, 2 channels of the spinal cord work: Ida and Pingala. The third channel occurs at the moment of unity of the polar opposites. This Pranayama gives an opportunity to open the third channel — Sushumna (and only after division into 2, 3, 6 energy flows within the body). The body receives a three-polar state. And then... Words are useless here. All attempts to explain these states and sensations with words would be in vain. Only very few people have had such superpowers in thousands of years. They were called Buddhas.

And the main thing: Everything need to happen only in that order, and with perfect mastery of each step. There's much said about jumping ahead!

Planned Training sites:

1) Primary Pranayama. Guaranteed QI and the PULSE. YIN and YANG Meditation. Self-healing and management of Your External.

2) Classic Pranayama. Development of Meridians and Chakras.

3) Pranayamas of Raja Yoga. Opening of Sushumna.

4) Pranayama System which provides super conditions and powers.

Plans of further work on Our Yoga

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